House PoliciesGood to Know
House Policies
Check-in is 3.00pm | Check-out is 11.00am. If you arrive earlier than 3.00pm, access to some of the hotel's facilities will be available including the lobby lounge, library and rooftop (excludes the pool). Luggage storage is possible. Children are welcome at Basq House when accompanied by an adult in the room, and when using the rooms existing bedding. Each room has a maximum occupant count of 2 (excluding infants). Our minimum check-in age for a room is 21yrs. External visitors (guests of guests) are not permitted in the pool area. Access to the pool is restricted after 11.00am on your day of departure.
House Policies
Additional bedding is unavailable (excluding baby cots). Pets aren't permitted sorry. Photoshoots are not permitted on the property unless pre-approved. All rooms, indoor and outdoor shared spaces are non-smoking.
Behaviour & Noise
Basq House is a place of rest and relaxation. Please respect our neighbours and other guests by keeping noise to a minimum and observe our property quiet time after 10pm. Basq House has a “No Party” policy. Unreasonable and excessive noise and/or behaviour will not be tolerated. Guests will be requested to cease such behaviour and we reserve the right to request that guests leave the property, no refunds applicable. Basq House does not accept schoolies reservations.
Payment Methods
A 1.5% credit card card surcharge fee applies to all Visa and MasterCard payments. A 3.5% credit card card surcharge fee applies to all American Express payments. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) are also accepted, however please arrange for the funds to be transferred 7 days prior to arrival. No refunds given for early departure. Any outstanding balance will be deducted from the credit card provided on check-in.
PicturedView of Pool